More than a scholarly edition: Gotthelf and Swiss literature in the 19th century

The largest project at the Jeremias Gotthelf research center is the complete historical-critical edition of all the works and letters of Gotthelf. His literary oeuvre, his column journalism and his official activities are edited and explored from a range of perspectives by historians, theologians, and literary scientists within an interdisciplinary workshop. This has already resulted in the publication of several books and very numerous single contributions in scientific journals, books, and exhibition catalogues.

Beyond this, the research center identifies itself as an institution for the exploration of Swiss literature in the 19th century – particularly the Gotthelf period. One focal point of such activity is reflected in the interactive research on the Solothurn author Alfred Hartmann, whose literary work is made accessible with individual publications within the series Schweizer Texte (Swiss Texts).

Finally, the research center also offers doctorate or graduate students an opportunity to work and research in an exciting interdisciplinary field and in close collaboration with the editor`s team.