About us

The project “Complete Scholarly Edition of Jeremias Gotthelf`s works and correspondence” (Historisch-kritischeGesamtausgabe – HKG) was founded in 2004 by Prof. Dr. Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer and SNSF professor Dr. Christian von Zimmermann. They both realised the initial pilot projects of the HKG in parallel working teams. These pilot projects engendered the concept of a complete edition and constituted the primal sections therein.

The structure of the project underwent a fundamental reformation in 2014. The Jeremias Gotthelf research center was established to serve as an umbrella for both this edition as well as for further projects on the history of Swiss literature in the 19th century. The research center has been supervised by PD Dr. Christian von Zimmermann and Dr. Patricia Zihlmann-Märki (substitute) since 1st January 2015. Barbara Berger, M.A., provides administrative support for the supervision of the research center (in addition to serving as a reviser and translator).